Monday, 1 December 2008

turmoil of emotions inside and outside

01 December, 30 days and a brand new year. Year 2008 was not a happening year for me.
The year passed by with me waiting for a change to happen but somehow it never occured. The wait is still on with loads of emotions making a whole lot of noise inside. Feelings of doubt, unworthiness, monotony, foolishness have all played a role.
However, its hope that is still prevalent which I know would bring an end to the wait. The wait for a change in my life.

Times Now, is now showing an exclusive coverage of how outrageous people are on the Terror attack on Mumbai, 26/11 as they call it. The emotions felt here are frustration on lack of action, solidarity on the cheap death of valuable commandos, annoyance on the
incompetency of the so called leaders of our country.

I feel the same emotions inside and can see it outside aswell!!!!

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